Oh man, this subject is fun for me because I get to debunk a lot of myths in our industry. I’m sure you’ve all heard:
““Once you start going to the chiropractor, you have to keep going.”
Right? We’ve all heard that. Here’s the truth.
Most people are amazed at how quickly we can get them out of a painful situation, really and truly we can help heal you fast. It’s amazing what proper chiropractic care can do. So, when a client of mine starts to feel that pain creeping back into their body, they learn how to take that as a warning sign and come back in to see me. Our bodies go through a tremendous amount of strain and impact so we will, eventually, need to be adjusted. The good news is that I don’t just adjust you and call it a day, I love taking the opportunity to teach you why this nagging pain keeps coming back up. Could it be your posture? Could it be how you stand or how long you stand? We really work to strengthen the underworked and relax the overworked.
It’s totally up to the patient whether they want to come back again; we have some clients who come back every 6 weeks, every 3 months, every 6 months. I have so many different ranges of maintenance because each individual need is so unique based on the demands from their bodies. For example, I have an ultramarathon runner who needs to come in every couple of weeks while she’s training her body – on the flip side, someone who works a desk job and doesn’t work out as much might need to get an adjustment every couple of months.
Misconception number 2 – we are voodoo doctors. OK, I promise you I don’t have any weird dolls in my office or at my house, but I do have lots of science on my side. In every single vertebra on the spine, there are nerves that come from the spinal cord that innervate certain organs. Say you have a joint restriction, that specific segment of your vertebrae at the TL junction could be causing the issue. It’s when those nerves are innervating that we get our issues or pain and want to sprint to the local chiropractor. The thyroid for example is at a certain level of the spine, same with the adrenals and kidneys, so if you have a joint restriction at that level, you will have less nerve innervation to that specific organ. This puts you at a greater risk for that organ not functioning properly because of a lack of blood flow and optimal nerve function.